Why do brains dream? Read about our new framework in TIME magazine. Why Do We Dream?.
Does your empathy extend to people who are not in your ingroup? Probably not as much as you think it does. See my article in The Economist: Does your brain care about other people? It depends..
Why should the US invest in brain science? See my opinion in the New York Times.
Interested in the intersection of neuroscience and law? See my article in The Atlantic: The Brain on Trial.
Want to know all about the brain? Check out my PBS series The Brain, available on Amazon video, iTunes, or Google Play.
I helped the European Central Bank redesign the Euro.
See an excerpt from my book The Runaway Species in Wired.
A New York Times bestseller, Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain was named a Book of the Year by Amazon, Goodreads, and the Boston Globe.
My Cognitive Science textbook (used at Stanford) is available through Oxford University Press: Brain & Behavior.
Want to know about the secret life of a neuroscience lab? Watch a video on Nova Science Now or read a profile in the New Yorker.
I have many new papers coming out this year; for the latest, please see publications